Episode 242 3 Questions to Ask Yourself Ahead of Q2 to Grow Your Law Firm

Episode #242

In today’s episode of the Wealthy Woman Lawyer® podcast, I discuss what we should be doing as women law firm owners closing out Q1 of 2024 and jumping into Q2.

How did Q1 feel for you? Did you have something to celebrate or was it “meh?” What plans to you have for Q2?

Listen in as I share…

  • What some other women law firm owners have said to me about their Q1.
  • The one thing you must do at the end of Q1 even if you only made a little bit of progress toward your goals.
  • My true confession
  • Why I love Q2 and think it is an energetically powerful time for your business
  • Three transformative questions I recommend you ask yourself at the start of Q2
  • And much more!

I do hope you enjoy this week’s episode. If you do, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and/or share this episode with another woman law firm owner who may need to hear it.


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Want to Scale Your Law Firm to 1MM or More?

The Wealthy Woman Lawyer® Podcast is sponsored by Wealthy Woman Lawyer, LLC. We help women law firm owners scale their law firm businesses to and thru 1MM with total ease. If you’d like help to scale your law firm business, we invite you to JOIN US IN THE WEALTHY WOMAN LAWYER LEAGUE or, if you have already reached $500K or more in gross annual revenue, but haven’t yet hit that $1M mark, to apply for private coaching with me.