Episode 241 3 Action Steps to Reclaim 10 Hours This Week (For Women Law Firm Owners Only)

Episode #241

In this week’s episode of the Wealthy Woman Lawyer® podcast, I  share 3 Action Steps to Reclaim 10 Hours This Week because if there is one thing I know, it is that women law firm owners never feel like they have enough time to get everything done.

Listen in as I discuss:

  •  Why I despise the term “time management” and what I think we should focus on instead.
  • The top priorities many women law firm owners have shared with me (Are they yours, too?).
  • My top priorities and how these inform how I spend my time.
  • The two ways you can tell if what you say your top priorities are actually your top priorities or not.
  • The biggest issue high-achieving women face that keeps them from spending more time focused on their highest priorities.
  • The second biggest issue that sets us up for failure in prioritizing our time (Hint: “We have an other people problem.”)
  •  The lie we tell ourselves every time we break a time commitment we’ve made to ourselves.
  • How email and a false sense of “legal emergencies” rob us of precious time.
  • 3 action steps you can take today to reclaim at least 10 hours of time this week (and every week after).
  • And much more!

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The Wealthy Woman Lawyer® Podcast is sponsored by Wealthy Woman Lawyer, LLC. We help women law firm owners scale their law firm businesses to and thru 1MM with total ease. If you’d like help to scale your law firm business, we invite you to JOIN US IN THE WEALTHY WOMAN LAWYER LEAGUE or, if you have already reached $500K or more in gross annual revenue, but haven’t yet hit that $1M mark, to apply for private coaching with me.