238 | Kelly Longtin | From Fitness Pro to Law Firm Owner
In today’s episode of the Wealthy Woman Lawyer® podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with attorney and law firm owner, Kelly Longtin about her journey to becoming a lawyer and owning her own law firm.
Kelly is a graduate of the Massachusetts School of Law, where she received a J.D., and then was admitted into the Massachusetts Bar Association as well as the New Hampshire Bar Association. Her law firm, Kelly Longtin Law, focuses on helping everyday families develop an estate plan that plans for and protects their families when they are no longer able to do so themselves, protecting them from the devastating effects of disability and death, and developing a plan that minimizes taxes, expenses, and court involvement.
Listen in as we discuss:
- Kelly’s journey from gym owner to lawyer and law firm owner
- Why she chose to leave her first law firm partnership and go solo
- How being an entrepreneur before becoming a law firm owner helped her grow her practice more quickly
- The reason she did not take on any clients her first month in solo practice
- How she’s built her strong referral network
- Her interview secrets to hiring loyal, competent team members
- What she says to prospects who don’t want to follow her processes
- Why she wrote her book, Ladies’ Legacies and how it’s helped her grow her referral network
- Why estate planning is different (and maybe even more important) for women than men
- Why she never feels fear when hiring lawyers or other staff
- Her advice for other women law firm owners on a similar journey to scaling their businesses
- And much more!
Links to Love:
***If you want to know more about Kelly Longtin and Kelly Longtin Law, please visit their website at www.kellylongtinlaw.com or follow on Instagram @kellytlaw.
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***Book a Practice Growth Assessment call with me.
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***Want to Scale Your Law Firm to 1MM or More? The Wealthy Woman Lawyer® Podcast is sponsored by Wealthy Woman Lawyer, LLC. We help women law firm owners scale their law firm businesses to and thru 1MM with total ease. If you’d like help to scale your law firm business, we invite you to JOIN US IN THE WEALTHY WOMAN LAWYER LEAGUE or, if you have already reached $500K or more in gross annual revenue, but haven’t yet hit that $1M mark, to apply for private coaching with me.