234 | 5 Mindset Shortcuts to Become a Better Law Firm Leader
In this week’s episode, I delve into what is perhaps the number one challenge law firm owners face when they are attempting to transition from solo attorney to CEO of a law firm business, and that is cultivating a high-performing legal team.
Once we overcome the fear of hiring that first associate attorney—which is a huge obstacle in and of itself for most solos—we often are then faced with what it REALLY means to cultivate, train, and manage a multi-person legal team including attorneys, paralegals, and legal administrators.
The transition from a solo lawyer or boss of one or two staffers is drastically different from leading a legal team. And most law firm owners are not only NOT prepared for the transition, but also have no idea what’s coming.
Listen in as I share:
- 15 challenges law firm owners face when attempting to hire, train, retain and grow a high-performing team (or any team).
- Why I think it’s important you begin thinking about these challenges before you even have a big team.
- 5 “mindset shortcuts” I use and teach my clients that help to overcome overwhelm and fear around cultivating a right-fit team.
- One way you can get help to grow your right-fit team faster.
- And much more!
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The Wealthy Woman Lawyer® Podcast is sponsored by Wealthy Woman Lawyer, LLC. We help women law firm owners scale their law firm businesses to and thru 1MM with total ease. If you’d like help to scale your law firm business, we invite you to JOIN US IN THE WEALTHY WOMAN LAWYER LEAGUE or, if you have already reached $500K or more in gross annual revenue, but haven’t yet hit that $1M mark, to apply for private coaching with me.