Steve Gordon | How to Write a Business Book in Just 30 Days

Episode #148

Have you dreamed of writing a business book? Not sure where to start? Then listen up! In this episode of the Wealthy Woman Lawyer® podcast, I welcome Steve Gordon, 5-time author, CEO of The Unstoppable CEO, and host of The Unstoppable CEO Podcast. In this episode, I get to pick Steve’s brain about what it’s like to write and publish books that promote your business and get clients clamoring to hire you.

“It’s really difficult to try and encapsulate all of your knowledge, all of your wisdom, into a book and at the same time, it is the single most powerful way to demonstrate to your future clients your expertise and prove that you are the expert that you claim to be.”  – Steve Gordon

Listen in as Steve and I discuss…

  • The powerful advantages of writing a business book that not only serves your ideal prospect but positions you as the go-to expert in your practice area.
  • Steve’s experience writing five best-selling books and the impact it had on his business. (You won’t believe what his first book did for his business growth!)
  • How to avoid sharing “too much” in your book.
  • Is there an ideal length for a book? (Hint: the short answer is “yes.”)
  • How you can write a good business book in as little as 30 days (Steve’s helped many of his marketing company’s clients do just that).
  • Ideas on choosing your best topic and title.
  • The special deal Steve has put together to help members of the Wealthy Woman Lawyer® community get from book idea to PUBLISHED in just 90 days.
  • And much more!

    “The most valuable thing you can often do for someone is identify for them a really big problem that they’re unaware of or that they only minimally perceive as a problem… and giving them that can sometimes save a person’s life.” – Steve Gordon

    The Wealthy Woman Lawyer® Podcast is sponsored by Wealthy Woman Lawyer.®  We help women law firm owners scale their law firm businesses to and thru $1M in gross annual revenue with total ease so they can fully fund—and still have time to enjoy—the lifestyle of their dreams! If you want to know more, visit our website at
    or follow us on Instagram @wealthywomanlawyer.  Also, you are invited to join our free Facebook group, Wealthy Woman Lawyer. See you on the inside!



    Mentioned in this episode:

    Schedule a call with Steve to discuss the Magnetic AuthorTM opportunity
    Listen to Steve's podcast, The Unstoppable CEO Podcast
    Visit The Unstoppable CEO website
    Connect with Steve on LinkedIn
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