The Secret to Lifetime Clients
In today’s Wealthy Woman Lawyer® Podcast episode, I’ll be sharing with you the secret to cultivating long-term relationships with clients—ones that will pay off for years to come not only in the business they bring to your firm but in referrals. Believe it or not, your processes, procedures and policies may be the problem.
Listen in to hear:
- About an experience I had recently with a vendor who scolded me for not following her process
- Why I think processes sometimes create a barrier between service providers (including lawyers) and their clients and how to not let that happen to you
- Why I think system are awesome and necessary…and what can happen when we don’t learn the exceptions to the rules
- Six reasons many small business owners, including lawyers, are often inflexible around their processes, systems, and procedures
- One way I give my clients some grace when they can’t adhere 100% to my “rules”—and the result of that
- What etiquette expert Emily Post can teach us about when to conform to set standards and when we should give a little
- Three instances when you definitely want to hold firm on your boundaries
My New Year’s resolution a few years ago and how it’s worked out for me (and how it can help you, too)
The Wealthy Woman Lawyer® Podcast is sponsored by Wealthy Woman Lawyer,® a company that helps women law firm owners scale their law firm businesses to and thru $1M in gross annual revenue with total ease so they can fully fund—and still have time to enjoy—the lifestyle of their dreams! If you want to know more, visit our website at, follow us on Instagram @wealthywomanlawyer, or join our free Facebook group, Wealthy Woman Lawyer.
In the show: Register now for 7 Essential Law Firm Systems You Need to Scale Your Law Firm to 7 Figures (Plus, 3 Mistakes to AVOID!):