Kristy Cook | How Transparency and Authenticity Skyrocketed One Firm’s Success

Episode #121

On this week’s episode of the Wealthy Woman Lawyer® Podcast, we welcome Kristy Cook, the founder of Mod Law Firm. Mod Law Firm is a bi-coastal, completely virtual firm focused on serving purpose driven businesses. Kristy has spent the last decade assisting for profit and not-for-profit businesses achieve their heart centered goals.

When Kristy opened her own law firm, her goal was to be completely transparent about everything—including her fees, and it’s paying off for her (and her clients) big-time. Listen to discover how she made the transition, her best advice if you’re considering the same, plus…

  • Her bulletproof marketing strategy (hint: she used this with much success after moving her firm to a new state)
  • Networking for more than just growing your firm
  • The controversial tactic she implemented to prescreen her prospects that her clients love (visit her website to see for yourself)
  • How to provide value-added services for your clients (and keep them coming back again and again)
  • And much more...