Shreya Ley | Why Lawyers and Law Firm Owners Should Consider Asset Protection

Episode #92

On this week’s Wealthy Woman Lawyer® Podcast, we speak with Shreya Ley, the President of LayRoots, co-founded with her husband Colin in Seattle, Washington. LayRoots is an asset protection and business planning law firm serving national and international clients using a combination of trust business entities, and both on and offshore accounts.

LayRoots helps their clients, other professionals, entrepreneurs, and business owners (including other attorneys) structure and organize their personal and business assets, so they are prepared in the event that they need to defend themselves against loss and minimize damage.

We also discuss Prep Trust™, a product they created to offer the strength of asset protection of a foreign trust, but with the simple maintenance of a US domestic trust.

We chat about what led the Leys to focus on asset protection, as well as:

  • Why you might want to think about asset protection to protect not only your personal assets but your law firm
  • How to ensure you retain privacy by making better registration decisions
  • Desirable layers of protection when making real estate investments
  • The reasons many business owners use offshore accounts and why to consider them
  • And more.