Chavelys Alers | Why Built-in Breaks Make You a Better Lawyer

Episode #22

You wear many hats when you start your own law firm, and it’s easy to get so caught up in the day-to-day business of taking care of others that you forget to take care of yourself. Chavelys Alers of the Alers Law Firm has found a way to fix that for herself.


As a solo lawyer with her own practice, Chavelys says one key to her success has been learning to schedule frequent vacation breaks—as well as a team and systems that keep the firm running smoothly in her absence. “You can’t do it all yourself,” she says, so she’s found ways to hire and train the right people so that she doesn’t have to.


On this episode of The Solo to CEO podcast, we also discuss…


  • The reason she works almost exclusively with the Hispanic community
  • The #1 challenge facing women entrepreneurs
  • Why successful business partnerships aren’t just about teamwork
  • The “time bomb” one of your employees is holding right now
  • Ways to alleviate stress in an inherently stressful profession