Elizabeth Stephenson | New Law Firm, New Direction

Episode #17

As CEO of New Direction Family Law, Elizabeth Stephenson is passionate about helping families facing tough times come out the other end stronger and safer. Perhaps, it's because she's always been passionate about helping children and families, as far back as her early days in social work. More likely, it's because she's had her own share of struggles to rebuild her life following loss.

But this isn't the first time she's built a successful law firm, so when she chose to start anew, she chose a different approach. Where once she would have struggled by herself to bear the full burden of her cases, landing new clients, and the day-to-day operations of the firm, now she is older and wiser.

In this episode, Stephenson talks about how trusting others to help her made all the difference in the growth of her firm, and how it, ultimately, increased her personal fulfillment.

Tune in to find out…

  • How social media has transformed her marketing efforts – but in-person networking remains key
  • A strategy to figure out the right marketing mix (it’s different for every firm)
  • An unlikely source of referrals you might be missing
  • Ways investing in the community can yield huge returns in your business
  • And more