Jaclyn Roberson | Attracting – and Retaining – the Best Law Firm Employees

Episode #12

There’s a certain comfort in being a solo attorney. You’re intimately involved in every aspect of your business… you have total control. 

But, says Jaclyn Roberson, staying solo means you won’t be able to grow your practice beyond a certain point. Only when you start hiring can you boost revenue and expand your impact. And you can’t stop at support staff.

Jaclyn shares how she made her first hires, and then finally, her most challenging hires--other attorneys--and what she learned along the way, as well as…

  • The best way to attract – and keep – your most valuable employees
  • Two services you can use until you can find the right full-time employee
  • What must be in your job listing – and the best place to post it
  • The way many small businesses sabotage employee retention
  • And more