Kimra Major-Morris | The Virtual Attorney

Episode #3

You’re ready to start your business. You have the perfect name, slogan, logo… now it’s time to set up your Facebook page, website, print up business cards… in other words, get your name out there. 

Not so fast, says intellectual property attorney Kimra Major-Morris. Trademark law is much more complicated than you might think and could completely derail your startup if you’re not careful.

Kimra has tips for avoiding that fate, as well as the steps you must take to protect your copyrights and to make sure you don’t violate those of others.

We talk legal stuff but also plenty about balancing family life and growing your business, how to find ideal clients, and much more. 

Tune in to find out…

  • How to be effective with a 24/7 virtual business
  • Your biggest responsibility as a business owner
  • The importance of self-care for entrepreneurs
  • An unexpected – and creative – way to grow your professional network
  • How social media and the internet have completely changed trademark and copyright law
  • And more…